Rina's Room

Rina's room

The Kitties

Freyr aka Chonkers

Freyr is the oldest of our two cats, he was adopted around June 2021. They say he's a Persian mix but he's really an American short hair

He's a bit of a naughty boy but he's full of personality (though he often gets in trouble), he's very likely to chase after people, trying to spook them or trip them up and he will also occasionally chomp on any nearby fingers he can find.

He loves playing and the pidgeons in the balcony are his arch nemesis (secretly at night he steals my computer and he plays League of Legends, he goes by Freyheart the Fallen online)

Freyja is our youngest cat, she was adopted around July 2022. She is Syberian mix (I think ??) I never know, to me they're just stripped cats.

Around 1 month after her adoption she was diagnosed with Dry Neurological Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), she was in very bad condition and her neurological signs were very prominent.

From that point on, with the assistance of FIP Warriors, she began her battle against this terrible disease. Her case was unexpectably long and with many hardships she was constantly on aggressive medication and supplements which affected her growth (you might notice she is quite a small cat for her age).

On June 2023, after many months of treatment her condition was stable and her tests indicated no signs of illness so she was moved from 'active treatment' to 'Observation' for a few months before being declared 'Treated'

As of September 11th 2023, Freyja has Graduated and is now considered cured of FIP

Freyja aka Scrunkly